Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Vespers

May 23, 2010

Yesterday during a lull in the Niska-Day Parade, Doug Lohnas - world renowned Emcee Extraordinaire of Niska-Day Parades - made a shameless plug for the Organ  Concert at the First Reformed Church of Schenectady on Sunday at 5:00.  Since Doug is not a member of the First Reformed Church - you may wonder why the interest - well don't wonder long - the organist was none other than Susan Lohnas!
So of course we had to go- that and we do really like organ music!

It was a very enjoyable, relaxing hour- spent in a beautiful, historic church in the Stockade district of Schenectady.  According to the church website, "The First Reformed Church is Schenectady’s oldest congregation. Founded by Dutch settlers, Schenectady’s first colonists, the Church has long enjoyed an ethnically and ecumenically diverse membership". 
And it is a "Welcoming Congregation".  Nice!

The church is beautiful- inside and out. The woodwork amazing and the windows are gorgeous. I - of course - did not have my camera. Until I get some of my own pictures of this lovely church - I'll just have to show you a couple from their website.
The Organ Concert - really - Organ Vespers was quite enjoyable. 
Susan started with Fanfare and Processional -written by Douglas Wagner.  Interspersed with poems and conversation, she played for about an hour.  I think my favorite piece was Suspended Gardens -something she listed as a piece she - "cannot play at church" -  I think we all agreed that indeed it could be played in church - it was simply beautiful.

If you want to see the First Reformed Church of Schenectady's website and hear the concert:

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